Childrens Pain

Heel Pain and Knee Pain in Children

Children suffer from a number of pains in the feet and lower limb when they are growing. These are commonly called growing pains. If the feet are functioning abnormally (pronating) during this growth period they place greater strains on an already strained musculoskeletal system. The two most common forms of growing pains are heel pain and knee pain.

Heel Pain / Severs Disease

This condition usually present between the ages of 8-15 years. This is usually a dull type pain that is made worse with activity. The pain originates from the growth centre in the back of the heel. As the foot pronates it places increased pressure on the growth plate area while it is attempting to grow. This causes pain and tenderness in the area.

The pain in the heel associated with Severs Disease is usually worse towards the end of activity and when the child cools down. In more severe cases the pain may be so great that the child may either limp or be forced to stop activity.

Knee Pain / Osgood Schlatter's Syndrome

Osgood Schlatters Syndrome is a similar process to Severs Disease, however on this occasion it occurs just below the knee cap. This is also a dull type pain that is worse with exercise. On this occasion the growth plate is on the upper part of the shin bone. When the feet excessively pronate (roll in) this causes the entire lower limb to internally rotate, this puts excessive loads on the growth plate in the knee and causes pain.

Ergonx help to prevent both Severs Disease and Osgood Schlatters Syndrome through limiting the amount of pronation. This helps to relieve the strain on the growth centers through mechanical unloading in young adults and in turn reduces the amount of pain.

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